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Vol: 1

I had a nightmare last night. I was in a house; it use to be a beautiful house. The house had two levels and it overlooked a body of water. A lake or a pond; I really don't know the difference, but either way it was big and murky. The house changed though. Whether it was time or just seeing the house's bones or just how dreams are in general; things shift without rhyme or reason. The house changed in a split second from beautiful to an epic tragedy. It was dilapidated, full of dirt and holes and water seeped from it's wall; as if crying. Outside of the house, was the lake where a monster had appeared. It was shaped like a snake, only it was big; it filled the lake end to end. The color of moss and the slippery texture of a dolphin. She wanted to be known. She wanted the people of the land to know her presence there within the lake. She didn't want to hide or be scared anymore. She wanted to be seen. Before she allowed her presence to be

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